I recently landed a new full time job as an Affiliate Account Manager which allows me to work from home 3-5 days a week. As I had been working from home March to July from my old role, and August to October for my contract jobs, I've gotten used to the pleasures of working from home.

Mainly, being with my dog Sookie.
Sookie is a 10 year old Pomeranian. In many ways she is youthful, energetic, and full of personality. But over the years I have noticed her energy come in bursts, and her sleeping a lot more.

So yes, Sookie is getting older, and the more I can spend with her the better.
We've placed dog beds all across the house in her favourite sun spots. The newest is the Sakura Snuggler Bed from Createfylo which is in the home office, and under the desk.

While I'm working she just rests there in her cute little pjs from Fuzzyard.
This dog bed is a good size as it's big enough she can move around to kneed her perfect spot, and the sides are tall enough for her to rest her little head.
Plus it has a cute pattern of huskies, and shiba on a pink background.
