I have always been the romantic type. The sentimental one. The girl who loves exchanging presents with my man.
My man loves gift giving, and especially having matching presents. You know the kind: His and Her. I mean, I love it too! But the problem is a lot of the His and Her products are extremely tacky, and a lot of the time poor quality.
When buying a gift there should be a real thinking process what they truly want, what they need, and what they’ll actually be proud to use. In the beginning of our relationship we promised each other that we wouldn’t give any present for the sake that we gave them something. Everything had to mean something to either person so it wasn’t a waste of money, or another contribution to landfill.
So I scoured the internet to find some romantic, but great quality gifts that you both won’t just smile nicely, and throw into the garage for “storage”.
What is your favourite product below? Or what do you think your partner would like the most?



